Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Question about authentiocation


I have SQL Express runing and I'm using basic Authentication (Win 2k3 Web edi.).

But not all my Windows accounts show up in the list. Is this a bug or a setting? I want to add some users but I can't select them.

I'm newbies in microsoft SQL so if someone could help me.

SQL server requires you to add the users that will get permissions to use it. If you use basic authentication it will not use windows authentication but a proprietary way to create and authenticate users.

If you change it to use intergrated security you will need to add and define the permissions for windows users.

If you use intergrated security it usually is easier to define groups and give the group permission.


First of all, thanks for replying.

I used windows authentication. Because I think that's more easy to manage.

But my colleague says they had problems with dbase connection. I don't know what they exactly did, so I have to figure that out, but they are using the SQL auth. at the moment.

I've made a new usergroup called 'SQL'. I added the user 'infostrada' to that usergroup.

By default, everbody is allowed to connect to a win 2003 machine? (policy: access the computer true the network).

So; when using a new user in a new usergroup, do I have to make certain changes inside Windows to let them connect?

í'm first going to check what they changed and try soms things out.

Thanks again.

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