Friday, March 9, 2012

Question about counting records based on conditions

Hi all,
I'm doing some reports where counting records is extensively used; some of these counts have to be done based on some data in the returning records; for example, I've got the following data set:

Name Sex IsMember
-- -- ----
... M Y
... F N
... M N

and so on...

If I group my report based on 'Sex' field, for example, I would like my report to show group name (M or F), number of members in this group (1 male member) and number of non-members in this group (1 non-member male), so the report should be something like:

Male - 1 member and 1 non-member
... *records where Sex = M will go here* ...

Female - 0 member and 1 non member
... *records where sex = F will go here* ...

So, how can I do counting based on some conditions in the retured data within a group?

Any hint will be very much appreciated,

Thanks in advance,

Essamyou can create a formula field that calulates where the person is male or female and member or non-member

if sex = "M" and Member = "Y" then
"Male Member"
else sex = "M" and Member = "N" then
"Male Non-Member"


You can then create formulas to count the number of each value or you can create a cross tab report that will group them for you.|||Thanks abyerly for your reply, and sorry I saw your post just today!

Well, my problem was solved by this reply I got from someone called MrBill somewhere in the web :) and yes it is what I was looking for, and as I was doing it in groups, it was better to do it this way:

You would group on sex and create two formulas:
// formual @.MemberCount
If {table.IsMember} = "y" then 1 else 0

// formula @.NonMemberCount
If {table.IsMember} = "n" then 1 else 0

Place the formulas in the detail section. You can suppress them if you want. For each formula do the following:
Right click > Insert > Summary. In the "calculate this summary" box select 'sum'. In the summary location box select group 1 (sex). Click ok. This will place a sum of your formula fields in the group 1 footer. Drag the 'sum' fields to the group header if you want or leave in the footer.

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