Monday, February 20, 2012


Can anyone tell me the limitation of the
xp_getfiledetails. I am executing this xp on a database
backup file and it's giving me a negative number'? The
real size is about 7 G......
Help pleasE!
Thanxs:) wrote:
> Can anyone tell me the limitation of the
> xp_getfiledetails. I am executing this xp on a database
> backup file and it's giving me a negative number'? The
> real size is about 7 G......
> Help pleasE!
> Thanxs
xp_getfiledetails is an undocumented extended stored procedure and
therefore not supported by Microsoft. Looking at the output, it appears
the "Size" column is an INT, limited to just over a value of 2 billion.
When I run the procedure against a 3GB test file, I get: -1073741824.
Which appears to translate to the max INT size + the ABS() of the
returned value plus 1.
select cast(2147483647 as bigint) + cast(1073741824 as bigint) + 1
In any case, if the file were greater than 2x the largest integer size,
I'm not sure you could easily calculate the real value.
You may have to find an alternative.
David G.

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